TRUSTED BY WINDSORFor over 30 years, we've been earning our clients' trust and building
our reputation as one of Windsor and Essex County's most respected
law firms.more about us -
TRUSTED BY WINDSORFor over 30 years, we've been earning our clients' trust and building
our reputation as one of Windsor and Essex County's most respected
law firms.more about us
Kirwin Partners LLP - Windsor Law Firm
For over 30 years, we’ve been earning our clients’ trust and building our reputation as one of Windsor and Essex County’s most respected law firms.

Trusted Company With
Kirwin lawyers continuously represent clients in mediations, arbitrations and
at every level of court.
at every level of court.
Legal Advice
Expert Team
Lawyers with a diverse range of knowledge and talents to
support all our clients needs.
support all our clients needs.
Windsor-Essex County
Local Law Firm
Our lawyers are local residents from Essex County who look to help their fellow
community residents with the smallest to most complex matters.
community residents with the smallest to most complex matters.
Call us today at 519.255.9840 or click here to contact by email.
Have legal questions? We have answers.